My Darlings,
My Sweethearts,
My Loves,
I have sooo much to share obviously being completely MIA, A. I LOVE YOU ALL! how in my time of being absent have i gained more followers??? this is...absurd... but thank you really. Also an explanation: I have been grounded. Everything completely taken away from me. locked in my room. forced to eat. no car. no phone. no computer. no music. no books. no freaking life. why must this happen to me??
Obviously, I am ungrounded and back in school! So thats exciting, school is great! C goes to school with me unless you didnt know that, her and Teasi are the only ones in the group that really do unfortunately! but its been good. doing great in all subjects of course but math...stupid calc. How am I in the college credit calc...if i'm failing it? Like not my normal a 89% is failing my genetics test failing! but more last test my grade was a 63.5% on it...and I have to see her...thats going to be so awkward but I have to do it sometime tomorrow..sooo not looking forward to it!!!
Side note: this post is going to be long...i hope theres not a limit
GROUP UPDATES: JI...goodness so much to say about him, he has a new friend in town whos from Australia (foreign exchange student). who is my goddd!!! SO FREAKING SEXXYYYY!!! I WANT TO LIKE LAUNCH MYSELF AT HIM! C and Eme agree there the only girls who really know him but hes just ughowuroiewjf;lsj3wr....yea. but hes also a sexist pig who thinks hes better than himself, my plan get him to try and make out with him ANDDD shut him down. JI has found...a girl, now he did have a girlfriend for a while but when I got back from Scotland (details coming soon on that) he broke up with her...with in 4 hours of him finding out i was back. then...he hooked up with another girl in the group whom I really do love but...I'm no longer his center of attention and truthfully I love the attention I always get from him, its amazing and a huge confidence boost but i cant drag him along forever. Lu and I "made up" or at least she thinks we did...i dont know exactly what I'm going to do with this yet...sooo any advice on how to destroy a manipulative bitch's life...DO TELL :). Aussi goodness I love this boy, hes just all around just wonderful I enjoy it. and B...we'll she had a party on friday night but sooo much happened that day that i'm planning on writing about it on wednesday...i wasnt invited...least to say i had a great night at home while my friends were out partying!
ANDDD the ex...he gets a WHOLE new paragraph just dedicated to himself, isnt he FREAKING special! He got a new girlfriend, who is short and looks like shes 9...but in the cute i'm really innocent lovable miss perfect little thing kinda way. pictures just went up on fb of them. why do i torture myself by looking at them? But anyways hes all happy with her, hes at a new school, where my friend (who i believe to be gay and am almost positive of it) says that every girl is trying to get into his pants cause hes super hot and already the star of their football team. soo thats great. but I was talking to him last night actually and realized, i made this poor guys life miserable, which i realize was my intention all along but I stole in the end every single one of his best friends and hooked up with one of them! so...I'm gonna start inviting him back into the group, Does this mean I'm becoming a nice person?
I'm 138.
I'm fat.
I'm ugly.
And I have acne
I think i even have back fat
Literally...want to die.
Tomorrows food plan:
Morning: two cups of green tea
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, fruit of choice, carrots, celery, and i'm thinking lettus with no dressing
After school: two more cups of tea
Dinner: Pinapple, Celery, Salad, Grapes (MY NEW ADDICTION) and of course...more tea
I shall tell you about Scotland and London tomorrow and how everyone there is super skinny and how amazing and sooo much better London Vogue is than American Vogue! and of course if i stuck to my food plan, I also need new running shoes...and the air is running out of my tires, i also have math corrections for my failure test due wednesday as well as a giant history project on top of my tons and tons of homework, play practice (which i'll tell you about tomorrow), and looking at colleges. ISN'T JUNIOR YEAR A BLAST!
If you have any advice I'd love to hear it, I've truly missed writing to you all. I'll try and get updated on all of your lives tonight but no guarantees as you can see, I have much to do!!!
Ps. Thin and a cute boy? ...If only life were this great

XoXo Soph XoXo
How i just looove having you back darling ! Your posts are so good and long, just like a good book :)