Thursday, January 21, 2010

Its Never Been So Hard

Thinspiration for the day:

its a tad blurry but if you click on the picture it comes our much much better and bigger

Today started off great, lots of water, only itsy bitsy porportions of fruits and a few vegitables, had a tiny bit of chicken too (had to get in the protein)and i was doing great! I had play practice and I was on a roll! But then I got a really bad headache, took a bunch of medicine, and started eating without even noticing it! and I was doing SOOO WELL! I hate it when I do something stupid like that and throw it all away! I'm telling you, I need like a constant reminder! Any Ideas?

Anyways I want to be MY BEST! That means be skinny, be confindent, get great grades, know what I'm doing in theatre (perform great), be able to handle all this stress, not get grounded, let my nails grow (i'm a CONSTANT biter...they look disgusting!), be great girlfriend, and a great friend! There's so much I want to do and want to be, I just dont know how to handle it all!

Some More About Me: I get GOOD greats, not great, but good, my average this semester was like a 90 which...could be soooo much better! especially in math and chemistry, i actually have a math test tomorrow that i'm feeling doomed for (guess who'll be up studying all nighttt!!!) I have amazing friends that are all great for sooo many different things! Theres my best friend who I can talk to about anything, my friend who's alllll about the boys, my dancer friend, my friend who has my back about ANYTHING (I mean she'll go completely out of her way to destroy a girl who so much as looks at me in a way that she doesnt find fit), my friend that knows everything, my friend that has "experience" and sooo much more! I have a boyfriend, letsss call himm....B? (sorry guys no real names except mine) but we've been dating for 2 1/2 months, hes hilarious, funny, likes great music, is fun to talk to, always himself (like he'll do the most obnoxious but still very cute things), and i really like him. Which is weird because I'm sorta a commitment phob, like i'm terrified, but not so much with him. I'd still never say I love you before 6 months (its just me) but still thats still a HUGE improvement!

Thats all for now! GTG study that stupid math!

XoXo Sophia XoXo

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