Friday, April 16, 2010

new TOTAL thinspo blog!

Hey guys so I've decided to make this more my diary blog! As well as a new picture or tip everyday! HOWEVER, I've also just created a NEW BLOG!!! Where I'll put up a new thin tip, thin book, thin recipe, thin movie, thin video, basically EVERYTHING. And yes I'm still keeping this blog open and I'll continue doing the same things but start to follow my NEW COMPLETE THINSPO blog too! The link is Thanks to you all! You're the Best!
Nothing new today, It's a Friday so i went to school, studied enough to last me a lifetime, went to track, went out to dinner (had three chips and HOT salsa and complained about having a stomach ache, bought my friend some fish (longgg story! LOL!), babysat the three CUTEST kids in the world! and now laying on my bed talking to all of you!
AND I have three more brilliant tips to give you all!

1. drink water every hour on the hour. I do this because at times i forget how many I've had that day and how much i should drink so i drink at least 1 every hour exactly on the hour. 16 oz!

2. when your fasting and your feeling like a binge is coming up then lie to yourself, tell yourself your only fasting for today and the next day just tell youself to put it off for one more day and so on and so on. This way you make it seem better than it is and don't think too far ahead of yourself!

3. hot showers make me loose my appetite while cold water burns calories what I do is I split the time 20 minutes cold and 10 hot you should always have cold water at the beginning and hot water at the end. note that cold showers burn up to 200 calories a minute I think or per 15 minutes

talk to you all tomorrow and tell you how my family party went! LOVE YOU ALL!

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