Monday, April 26, 2010

I Know, I Know

I've been gone for SOOO long, it feels like I haven't posted in forevverrr!~but I'm back :)
last exam = tomorrow over by 12:30 but its math which is ICKKKK god I hate it!
and to be honest I've been horrible, I've been eating every couple of hours, not much but still enough to make me fattttttt fatttt fat! luckily with exams over it'll all be great! some how in the means of eating eating and eating I've lost two pounds 129? how is this possible? god must be just blessing me to death. unfortunately losing the two pounds is not showing at all I still look awful. and I HAVEEE to look absolutely ridiculously awesome by Saturday cause I'm going shopping with one of my best friends and then to a party sooo lets hope I loose this extra poundage!
anyways hope none of you have these horrendous exams and if you do your doing amazing! oh and I hope your weekend was more eventful then mine, just studying!
You all are BEAUTIFUL and I love youuu!!!
Tip of The Day :)
Wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it when you want to eat. I stole this tip off an website forever ago and it really works! Its classic conditioning, it was done by Pavlov (can you tell I know my bio!)
Have a great day everyone!

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