Although parts of my life are falling apart with girls being just stupid! I've decided to ignore them, they're not worth it. I am better than them, I mean really I know I'm a fat lard right now but when I'm skinny and beautiful there's nothing they can do to stop me! I will be perfect! I'll have a guy who treats me like a princess, not JI although he is continuing to persist on....its actually becoming a hassle, endearing but complete waste of time. I'll have cute clothes, I'll be putting my wish list up soon! I'll have my room clean and completely organized, clean out my closet! My friends will still be the amazing wonderful people they are today! And I'll be HAPPY!
I went shopping today, got a cute flow-y top that you cant see my humongo stomach and hips in! it makes me actually look skinny and I love it! I also forgot to mention I got the CUTEST set of candles yesterday (yes I am candle obsessed) LOVE THEMMM I got like 9 for $8! Best deal quite possibly ever?!
I bought JI a fish tonight and brought it over to his house, little bit of a joke, he refused my fish so i brought it to my friend EME's house so her baby brother could have it
OH btw I'm going to update a side bar of my friends like JI, C, and EME cause trust me I understand how annoying and confusing it must get. It'll have a mini description of them and they're personality and why I love them so much!
I'm STILL slowly but surely adding bits and pieces to my blog thing (I'm not quite sure what to call it cause its not so much a blog in my mind as a journal which just so happens I can share and get your lovely feedbacks!) so be patient more is coming!
I always feel so much better after posting all of this, its like a weight off my shoulders!
Anyways early morning again for me tomorrow
Sweet Dreams Beautifuls!
XoXo Soph XoXO
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