Sunday, June 20, 2010

Vegetarian, The Way To Go

Hello Darlings,
Today is June 20, 2010. I am now a vegetarian. Yes I love animals, I was a vegetarian when I was little, yes I am a complete hippy (wear hippy clothes, listen to chill music for the most party, do stuff like run around the park painted blue for diversity with one other friend (YES I DID DO THIS)) but also OH MY GOD it helps with weight so much, i'm forced to eat nothing or a few things of lettus. This morning, being fathers day for us here I'm going to brunch, bacon, ham, omlets, yummmm but wait...I cant eat that not because I'm ana but because I'm a vegetarian. my parents dont complain or notice now when I'm not eating they just give me a protein pill. I definitely recommend this! One of my best friends (I forget if I have mentioned her before but lets call her C) is being vegetarian with me. Shes suppppeeerrr skinny and beautiful and truthfully I think she's ANA but I cant ask her cause if shes not...well that could be bad.
JI kissed me...again...kinda kissed him back. My ex hates me but you know what...he dumped me and I'm of course not going to do this again with JI, even tho I must say...he's definitely not all. But I'm not gonna let some guy who said he didnt want me tell me I can't do something. YAY for me!
Lets see what else...
I need cute clothes! Rompers, very popular now. At first I must say I didnt like them much but now idk...I think they could be cute? SO I'm thinking shopping spree, after I lose 10 pounds. I'm back to 127 I was 125 for a while so when I am 117 I'll go shopping and then when i'm 110 I will again and 105 and 100 and so and so on.
Oh I'm so excited to lose weight!
XoXo Soph XoXo
ps. I've missed you all :)

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