Hello my beautiful wonderful amazing followers/random people who happened upon my page! Today was a....GOOD DAY!
reason #1: Looked at my ex's wall...girl telling him she tried to text him....hahahahaha ohhh myyy gooodddd absolute fattest ugliest freak looking thing I have seen in my ENTIRE LIFE!
reason #2: woke up had a cup of tea burned 200 calories in a half hour at the gym
reason #3: had a coke zero and some organic basically no cal puffs of chedder things and half a cheese borito thing. soo pretty good day when it comes to that
reason #4: bought 40 new tea packets at the store and almost bought a coffee maker to heat up my tea
reason #5: C comes home tomorrow and everybody was writing on my wall on how excited they are to see me and her! so yayyy!
reason #6: you all are just so amazing
reason #7: no drama night just layed around the house doing crunches watching scary movies eating organic puff things
reason #8: went back to the same store went up to the counter flirted with the guy a lottt went back got my pills told him they were for my mom cause he said i didnt need them and then he gave them to me...you have to be 27 and he knew I was 16. flirting can get you almost anything
even tho lu has been sending me the most evil one sentence basically 3 word responses to my huge apologetic emails...I apologized I HATEEE that I hurt her but I didnt know that I would, two days before that she even tolddd me to hook up with him, why is it that girls never say what they mean? Its awful that we can't just be honest with one another, we're best friends TELL ME if you dont want me touching him dont FUCKING ENCOURAGE IT! I apologized and beat myself up for it for so long that I'm almost immune to it at this point, please just forgive me and we can be friends running around together talking to complete strangers and telling them theyre cute, meeting guys at 1 am at a church! I MISS THAT! GET OVER IT!
ohhh sweethearts I truely dont know what else to say except I send all my love to you and hope you're all doing well! If you ever want to talk just email me :) tryingperfection@aol.com!
aren't I obnoxious when I'm happy and tired?
Sweet Dreams!
XoXo Soph XoXo
Heyy (:
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment Sophia - pretty name btw!
Congrats on your day it seems EPIC. I wish I was as strong as you (:
omg youhave to be 27 to buy diet pills. where the hell do u live. here in canada u can buy them when your five. if i was u i would go to a really busy short staffed walmart and get hydroxycut hardcore. they wont say nething.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the comment. I saw these super incredible packs of DIET GUM! I wanted to buy them(they were a FUCKING DOLLAR!) but I didn't want to arouse suspicion from my family... They like burn calories and boost your metabolism. MUST GET THEM! Congrats on getting your own pills. I think I might just steal them from a convenient store just for shits and giggles(It IS convenient!) Flirting will get you anywhere! Boys are silly!
ReplyDeleteKeep it up!