Hello you amazing girls and boys! Have you been told I love you lately? cause yea...I LOVE YOU! The comments on yesterdays post made me feel a lot better and you all are so sweet! Thank you so much darlings!
Alright here we go....tonight I am spending my night at home babysitting, my baby brother is asleep in his bed right now and I actually fell asleep while babysitting and he tucked me in, isnt he just the sweetest? I'm so lucky to have him. While I'm here babysitting all my friends are at one of my friends house (his parents are out of town) partying and drinking. I was invited to spend the night at his house after I finished babysitting but I'm pretty sure its best that I dont go considering Ji will be there and will try hitting on me while Lu stands off to the side hating me. And no what I loveeee about the guy hosting the party and his best friend? THEY HATE MY EX they think hes sooo stupid and cant understand why I dated him. Which I dont even think they know but it makes me feel better, aweful isnt it?
C is at the lake with some girls who go to our school, theyre skinny bitches. Anyways I miss her but she'll be back on monday and then we can party it up again, shes another reason why I'm not going tonight, she's my constant support when awful with that group and we're both being judged. Why is she being judged? She hooked up with Aussi, I was there, but sadly he has a gf who then hated C but no worries they worked it out and everyone is friends again but still people will still judge her every move. Not her fault hes unbelievably hot. He's the type of guy who wont really kiss you first but he'll pull you really close and put his hands around your waste and pull you on top of him and pull you onto his lap and put his hands on your legs. I dont know why but for me, that is a HUGEEE turn on.
Ugh I can not wait till I lose more weight because I am going to get the CUTEST hippie dresses and I'm going to look so amazing in them! AH I just cant wait! I'll post a picture of all the dress's I want either later tonight or tomorrow for some reason my uploader isnt working.
I work in a doctors office and I adore my job, I want to be an ER doctor. I know its bad hours and low wages but I feel like thats one of the few areas where I really work on every part of the body and also I know for a fact that I'm not doing it for the money otherwise, really, what is the point of doing it? I work with many nurses who are sweet and funny I absolutely love and adore them.
I will be happy. I'm not sure when but I know eventually I'll wake up and realizes that things in my life are just going right. I cannot wait until that day comes because I still feel like things are falling apart in my life and I just wish there was a quick fix. I could just wish at 11:11 that things will be better and unfortunately things dont really work like that but I keep on wishing because if I dont have that, really what do I have?
I am running out of things to say but I really would just like to say thank you again for listening to my mental breakdown about my ex last night. Just knowing that you guys are out there makes me feel a billion times out there that I have people who support me. Truly you guys are the greatest and I wish the best for all of you!
I'm going to go watch tv before I end up falling asleep on my couch from my true exhaustion maybe I'll even just go to bed now, I'm soo tired! Alright beautiful darlings have lovely dreams!
XoXo Sophia XoXo
haha maybe its a good u didnt go out lol. sounds like a big judgefest. lol