Monday, September 13, 2010
About Email
Just Wow

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Diet Pills: Effects
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Got My Pills :)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
for the first time, I Feel Wicked!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Super Long Post
Thursday, June 24, 2010
What Did I See?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Silly Boys
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
New Blog Style?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Vegetarian, The Way To Go
Today is June 20, 2010. I am now a vegetarian. Yes I love animals, I was a vegetarian when I was little, yes I am a complete hippy (wear hippy clothes, listen to chill music for the most party, do stuff like run around the park painted blue for diversity with one other friend (YES I DID DO THIS)) but also OH MY GOD it helps with weight so much, i'm forced to eat nothing or a few things of lettus. This morning, being fathers day for us here I'm going to brunch, bacon, ham, omlets, yummmm but wait...I cant eat that not because I'm ana but because I'm a vegetarian. my parents dont complain or notice now when I'm not eating they just give me a protein pill. I definitely recommend this! One of my best friends (I forget if I have mentioned her before but lets call her C) is being vegetarian with me. Shes suppppeeerrr skinny and beautiful and truthfully I think she's ANA but I cant ask her cause if shes not...well that could be bad.
JI kissed me...again...kinda kissed him back. My ex hates me but you know what...he dumped me and I'm of course not going to do this again with JI, even tho I must say...he's definitely not all. But I'm not gonna let some guy who said he didnt want me tell me I can't do something. YAY for me!
Lets see what else...
I need cute clothes! Rompers, very popular now. At first I must say I didnt like them much but now idk...I think they could be cute? SO I'm thinking shopping spree, after I lose 10 pounds. I'm back to 127 I was 125 for a while so when I am 117 I'll go shopping and then when i'm 110 I will again and 105 and 100 and so and so on.
Oh I'm so excited to lose weight!
XoXo Soph XoXo
ps. I've missed you all :)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
It's Been a Week
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
I Know, I Know
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
When the Fighters All Around.... LUPEEE!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My Family Is Crazyyyyy!
Friday, April 16, 2010
new TOTAL thinspo blog!
1. drink water every hour on the hour. I do this because at times i forget how many I've had that day and how much i should drink so i drink at least 1 every hour exactly on the hour. 16 oz!
2. when your fasting and your feeling like a binge is coming up then lie to yourself, tell yourself your only fasting for today and the next day just tell youself to put it off for one more day and so on and so on. This way you make it seem better than it is and don't think too far ahead of yourself!
3. hot showers make me loose my appetite while cold water burns calories what I do is I split the time 20 minutes cold and 10 hot you should always have cold water at the beginning and hot water at the end. note that cold showers burn up to 200 calories a minute I think or per 15 minutes
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I'm Sorry I've Been AWFUL!

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Owl City

Pick one food for the day, like an apple. Cut it into 8 slices. Eat 2 slices at breakfast, 2 at lunch, 2 at dinner, and you'll have 2 left for a snack. This way your body thinks it's eating 4 times that day, but in reality you've only had 1 apple. The next day pick another food. Make sure it's only 1 serving that you split up into 3 or more throughout the day.
I really like him, although I've never had a really sexual relationship, like I'm almost 16 and I've never gone farther than being felt up! My friends all make fun of me for it too! haha! but we were texting later that night and he said "talk dirty to me" and I had absolutely NO CLUE what to say! lol! I had no idea! So basically I simply avoided that conversation but god! I need some advice for when this comes up again! But I do really like him, cause he challenges me, he's the first guy I've dated thats not completely whiped over me and I dont know what to do cause I cant get him to do whatever I want! I dont mean to sound like in love with my self but still its different for me!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Its Never Been So Hard
its a tad blurry but if you click on the picture it comes our much much better and bigger
Today started off great, lots of water, only itsy bitsy porportions of fruits and a few vegitables, had a tiny bit of chicken too (had to get in the protein)and i was doing great! I had play practice and I was on a roll! But then I got a really bad headache, took a bunch of medicine, and started eating without even noticing it! and I was doing SOOO WELL! I hate it when I do something stupid like that and throw it all away! I'm telling you, I need like a constant reminder! Any Ideas?
Anyways I want to be MY BEST! That means be skinny, be confindent, get great grades, know what I'm doing in theatre (perform great), be able to handle all this stress, not get grounded, let my nails grow (i'm a CONSTANT biter...they look disgusting!), be great girlfriend, and a great friend! There's so much I want to do and want to be, I just dont know how to handle it all!
Some More About Me: I get GOOD greats, not great, but good, my average this semester was like a 90 which...could be soooo much better! especially in math and chemistry, i actually have a math test tomorrow that i'm feeling doomed for (guess who'll be up studying all nighttt!!!) I have amazing friends that are all great for sooo many different things! Theres my best friend who I can talk to about anything, my friend who's alllll about the boys, my dancer friend, my friend who has my back about ANYTHING (I mean she'll go completely out of her way to destroy a girl who so much as looks at me in a way that she doesnt find fit), my friend that knows everything, my friend that has "experience" and sooo much more! I have a boyfriend, letsss call himm....B? (sorry guys no real names except mine) but we've been dating for 2 1/2 months, hes hilarious, funny, likes great music, is fun to talk to, always himself (like he'll do the most obnoxious but still very cute things), and i really like him. Which is weird because I'm sorta a commitment phob, like i'm terrified, but not so much with him. I'd still never say I love you before 6 months (its just me) but still thats still a HUGE improvement!
Thats all for now! GTG study that stupid math!
XoXo Sophia XoXo
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Begining Of My Story
This is my online journal! It is my first one! I'm desperately trying to lose weight! My weight right now is at 130! Which is aweful since i'm at 5 foot 7! My bmi says that i'm EXACTLY normal, right inbetween actually, but I WANT to be 110! All of my friends are extreamly skinny dancers and I wish to be too!
I'm a sophmore at a highschool, all girls, borinngggg!!! I guess you could say I'm a tad boy crazy...But not really! I used to just be all over the place, new guy I liked every week, ect ect. but now I have a boyfriend who I do really like! We've been going out for 2 and 1/2 months exactly today! Yayy!
I do theatre, I'm in two plays right now! I'm in thespian club! and I just got back from an actors conference! It's not what I want to do later on in life, I'd like to go into medicine, I really just do it for fun! I would say I do it to relieve stress but really, it adds a whole lot more just because i'm always spending 5 to 6 hours of my day at rehersal, it has officially taken over my life!
I have a huge group of friends who I adore! They're amazing, but really, I have this need for everything to be perfect! I guess I have a problem with wanting people to worship me...but I deserve it!
Of course, with every all girls school you have some rather...."catty" (should be the nice word for it) girls! Now, I'm fine with that as long as they're not "catty" to me, then it evolves into an issue! The only girl who's ever done that is this one girl...she's ugly to begin with, she has a "catty" personality, and goes behind almost everyones back and can understand I dont like this, but I'm taking care of it! I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet but its going to be gooodddd! She is madly in love with my boyfriend...but its best to leave him out of this one i think, or at least make it LOOK like it! God you'd think I came out of the movie mean girls!
Off to rehersal!
I'm becoming anorexic. Its my choice, if you'd like you may leave this blog now! But its what I am! If you would like an ana buddy leave a post with you email and i'll email you!
XoXo Sophia XoXo